Fashion Expert: The 1960’s, My Talk at History Colorado
Fashion Expert: The 1960’s, My Talk at History Colorado Mona Lucero talk on 1960’s fashion at History Colorado was a hit! She spoke on the gamut of 60’s fashion from the Rat Pack and Jackie Kennedy to the French Futurists, Yves Saint Laurent and of course, hippies.
The Latest Interview: Jacinta Lobato for Body of Work
The Latest Interview: Jacinta Lobato for Body of Work TV Show Here’s the actual video and a still from the interview by Jacinta Lobato of Body of Work: hosted by Jacinta Lobato for her TV show on Denver Open Media.
Imagine 2020 Arts Initiative is Being Launched. My dress was a very small part.
This morning, Mayor Hancock presented the Imagine 2020 arts initiative and model Jasmine H. wearing one of my dress designs, walked up the aisle and gave him a bound copy of it. What an honor! Thank you, Denver Arts and Venues.
My Second Day at Denver Art Museum Designer Demos…
My second day “demonstrating” design at the Denver Art Museum designer studio was really fun! It was very hard to demonstrate, though, as I got a lot of people coming in to ask questions. I explained the process of haute couture to someone who works at the Denver Art Museum. I found it surprising when…